About us
Heal India is a Healing Center specialized in Gendai Reiki Ho (Traditional Japanese Reiki), Acupressure, Sound Healing, Reflexology, Shiatsu Massage, Yoga, Gestalt Therapy, Bach Flower Remedies Therapy, Akashic Records and Nigredo Tarot.
We are committed to heal the body, the thoughts, the emotions and the spirit. Our services are known as "holistic therapies" because they treat the person as a whole, not just as a symptom.
We understand that a symptom in the physical body has its origin in the mental or the emotional body. But, in the end, the source of any problem we face is the spirituality. When we forget we are one, we open the door to issues -not only issues related to health but also related to relationships, environment, etc.-
For this reason we offer therapy treatments that have been proven to be effective in balancing all the bodies (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual) so that the natural healing mechanism we all have starts its healing process.
Time ago, the therapies we supply were called "alternative" because it was thought that they could replace and be an alternative to the allopathic medicine. Nowadays these therapies are better called "complementary" because once the disease is diagnosed, the therapies complement the allopathic treatment. If there's no disease, these therapies work as preventive medicine.
Our professionals have been certified by well-known healing masters from abroad. As a result, we offer excellent quality and effective wellness treatments.

Our Philosophy
We DON'T PROVIDE SPA SERVICES NOR ANY OTHER SERVICE apart from the healing therapies.
Our professionals are educated, qualified and experienced. They will treat you respectfully and on time. We expect the same in return, that is to say, that we expect you to treat our professionals respectfully and that you ARRIVE ON TIME. (See Terms & Conditions)
Terms & Conditions
Our Therapies help the body to restore its own balance to improve the natural healing mechanism. Therefore, they require constancy in time. We recommend to take at least 10 sessions that's why our packages are designed to assure you the best results.
We appreciate punctuality so that a 60 minutes session can take place. If you arrive late, you miss minutes of your session.
Reprogramming of appointment must be told at least 3 days in advance. Otherwise that session is missed and not refundable.
For Acupressure and Shiatsu Massage, the healee needs to wear loose fitting clothing.
Since creams and make up work as non-conductor preventing the restoration of the energetic flow, we don’t recommend the use of them before the Acupressure session.
In Group Sound Healing Bath, it is not allowed to get in once the Therapy has started not to disturb the other participants. The Group Sound Healing Bath missed due to unpunctuality is not refundable.
Our healees and the guests accompanying them at the Healing Centre must maintain silence and switch-off their mobiles or put them on silent mode.
Smoking is not permitted at the Healing Centre.
Heal India Complementary Therapies Private Limited has the right to cancel an already paid package without refund, if the healee disrespects our professionals.
Heal India Complementary Therapies Private Limited has the right to cancel an already paid package if the healee frequently reprograms the appointments. In each particular case, it will be determined if corresponds a refund or not.