Bach Flower Therapy Training
All-in-One Beginner to Advanced Level (Levels 1, 2 & 3)
This training has been developed by Heal India’s Healing Master Natalia Addiechi Shihan after more than 19 years of practice as a Bach Flower Therapist.
It consists of 5 classes of 4 hours each in which the system of Dr. Edward Bach is taught.
It's an all-in-one Beginner to Advanced Level Training.
It certifies the student as Heal India’s Bach Flower Therapist and allows him/her to start practising professionally once completed.
Heal India’s Bach Flower Therapy Training is recommended for Everyone, especially for:
Anyone who would like to learn to use Bach Flower Remedies as a Preventive Therapy to avoid diseases.
Anyone who would like to learn to use Bach Flower Remedies as a Complementary Therapy to treat already diagnosed diseases.
Health and Wellness seekers
Holistic psychologists, Gestalt psychologists, Transpersonal psychologists, coaches, counselors and healers in general
Yoga practitioners and instructors
Spiritual seekers
Dr. Edward Bach's concepts of health and disease
Bach Flower Remedies as a continuation of Hahnemann’s homeopathy
Bach Flowers System
Group 1: Fear
Group 2: Uncertainty
Group 3: Lack of Interest
Group 4: Loneliness
Group 5: Oversensitivity
Group 6: Despondency and Despair
Group 7: Overcare for Others
Advanced Practice: Consultation and Diagnosis
Advanced Practice: Bach Flower Remedies for Pets and Plants
Advanced Practice: Bach Flower Remedies for Children
Advanced Practice: Difference & Similarities among the Bach Flower Remedies
Advanced Practice: Common Combinations
Advanced Practice: New Combinations
Advanced Practice: Repertory
The Training uses Bach Centre's Recommended Books as well as other materials. All the studying material is provided for free. There are no extra books to buy.
The EE is Rs. 9999
Contact us: +91 9355351721
The 3 Levels of Bach Flower Training at Bach Centre cost almost USD 1500 (more than Rs. 1 lakh) and you have to buy the studying materials.
We offer the same 3 Levels in an all-in-one Training at a super affordable price: only Rs. 9999 and we provide the studying material for free.
Why do you have such an affordable price?
Because Dr Edward Bach wanted everyone to benefit from his therapy. An affordable training makes it possible for more people to study and become Bach Flower Therapists to help others in their healing process.
Why do you offer an all-in-one Beginner to Advanced Level Training?
Because Dr Edward Bach never spread his knowledge in levels. In fact, his words were "Keep it simple".
Why do you offer your own certificate instead of Bach Centre's certificate?
Because Dr Bach in his writings and conferences explained his system openly for the greater good of humanity. When he was alive there was no Bach Centre to monopolise trainings or certificates. In fact, he never certified anyone as Bach Flower Registered Practitioner, these certifications were granted many years later for commercial purposes.
We are not engaged with Bach Centre because we don't subscribe to their pricings and levels system. For this reason, we provide our own certificate that is as valid as any other certificate.
Do I need to be a BFRP (Bach Flower Registered Practioner) to practise professionally?
No. Being a BFRP is just a tag, an expensive tag (you need to renew your registration every year). There are plenty of Bach Flower Therapists around the world that are not engaged with the Bach Centre and are practising professionally.
The Bach Centre's Code of Practice says: "The Centre shall issue registered practitioners with a Certificate of Registration (the ‘Certificate’) to indicate inclusion on the Register. Neither registration nor the Certificate constitutes license. professional qualification, degree, diploma or license to practise medicine or any other helping profession that might require licensing nor do they give the recipient the right to carry out any functions that require such licensing"
The certification provided by Bach Centre is as valid as any other Bach Flower Therapy certificate because these certifications are not a license. As Bach Flower Remedies have no side effects, is not possible you harm anyone prescribing a blend, so a license is not required.
Do I need a license to practise Bach Flower Therapy?
No. No license is required to practise Bach Flower Therapy. The certificate which is given by the Bach Centre in the UK IS NOT A LICENSE.
Can I practise Bach Flower Therapy if I'm not a doctor?
Yes. Dr. Bach spread his system to be practised by everyone, not only doctors. Bach Flower Therapy is a complementary therapy, which means that will complement any other medical treatment the patient is going through. As these Remedies don't have side effects, are safe.
Will you issue a hard copy certificate?
If you live in India, once you complete the Training and pass your exam, you will receive a hard copy of your certificate with your picture and a QR code.
How will I receive the studying material?
After every class, you'll receive a soft copy of the contents of the class either on your email address or your WhatsApp number.
Do I have to sit for an exam?
Yes, after you complete the Training, you'll be examined. After you read and study all the provided studying material, you'll ask to be examined. We will send you the exam and you will have 7 days to complete and submit your exam.